Google Drive - Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More Get access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files and more with Google Drive. ... Store any file Drive starts you with 15 GB of free Google storage, so you can keep pictures, stories, designs ...
歡迎使用 Google 雲端硬碟 – 集中管理您所有的檔案 Google 雲端硬碟提供免費的管道,讓您輕鬆備份檔案,並可透過任何手機、平板電腦或桌機來存取檔案。立即使用,即可享有 15GB 的 Google 儲存空間,而且完全免費。
认识Google云端硬盘– 集中管理您的所有文件 行動版 - 开始使用云端硬盘即可获赠15 GB的免费Google存储空间,供您存储照片、文档、 设计稿、绘图、音乐和视频 ...
Re: [詢問] 關於Google 自動同步相片- 看板Google - 批踢踢實業坊 有下載PICASA 也登入帳號匯入所有照片了: 但是手機同步雲端的照片沒有 ... 另外, G+ 可以在設定裡勾選將Drive 裡的照片直接顯示在G+ 相簿裡, ...
看來Google Drive 快可自動備份手機照片? - Engadget 中文版 行動版 - 2015年3月9日 - 我們已知Google+ 要分裂成Photos 和Streams 兩個服務,那它本來將手機照片備份 的功能 ...
Syncing Auto-Backup Photos from Google+ to Google Drive - Google Product Forums To explain a bit more thoroughly: You create folder-pairs so you just create one that syncs your photos to Google Drive and let G+ Auto-Backup take care of uploading them to G+ Then when you take a photo it will be auto-backed-up to G+ and FolderSync'd to
How to use Google Drive as a backup tool - CNET Google Now that Google Drive storage is stupid-cheap (e.g., two bucks per month for 100GB), you might be wondering about its viability as a backup tool. It's viable. Though you can't use it to clone an entire hard drive (not a good idea with ...
Google Drive Blog: Your photos and files, together in Drive I think they do add up. The help section says "photos that you can see in both Google+ and Drive only count once towards your storage limit". So, Google are making it easy for people to (automatically) fill up their drives with their G+ photos (and charge
Google Drive 也整合了Google+ 上的相片呢 2015年3月31日 - 使用者可以在Google Drive 上的獨立資料夾中存取相片,不會把兩地的資料混淆。而且在iOS 版本的更新中,也加入了自動相片備份功能,跟Android ...